Tips And Advice To Fully Utilize Your Iphone

The iPhone is a great device with infinite possibilities beyond just making calls. This article will provide you with some handy tips that you can use to get even more out of your iPhone.

If your iPhone is wet, consider using rice. No matter how much care you take, your phone may slip into water, or even get rained on. Wipe off your iPhone and then place it into a rice-filled bag. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours.

To disable your edge connection or 3G GRPS connection, press the setting button. Then tap general, network, and cellular data network. When you get to the field that asks for your APN username and password, put in a few words that will prevent your iPhone from giving providers the right values. Then restart your phone.

Did you just drop your brand-new iPhone in the sink or a pond? Don't worry! Make sure you don't turn the phone on. Instead, lightly towel dry it as much as you can. Don't use a blow dryer. Then, put the phone in a small bag filled with white rice and leave it sit overnight. The rice will absorb any water left in it.

If you happen to get the iphone wet, the last thing you want to do is turn it on. By turning it on you run the risk of short circuiting the product. Instead, you should towel dry it and then put it into a Ziploc bag. After that place it in a bowl of uncooked rice and let it sit there until the moisture dries up.

Search from the list of applications in the App Store on your iPhone to add different types of functions to your phone that are beneficial and practical. There are millions of apps to choose from, which can help make your iPhone experience more unique and fun than one you would receive from a typical phone.

Use your iphone to store files. If you need files on hand but don't want to lug around a flash drive or your laptop, just store the files on your phone. By sending files over via wifi or usb, you can keep them stored on your phone. You can even purchase extra space to store them, should the need arise.

Your iPhone can be your calculator, too. The calculator is in a standard form when holding the iPhone vertically, but changes into a scientific calculator when held horizontally.

You can navigate the Internet on your iPhone the same as you would on a laptop. If you see a photo you want to keep on your phone, just press and hold it on the screen. One of the options on the menu that appears when you do this is to send the picture straight to the Camera Roll on your iPhone. You can also copy the photo into a message.

You should know of all the benefits of the iPhone, now that you've read the above information. Now, when you use your iPhone next, keep these tips in mind.


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