Tips And Advice To Fully Utilize Your Iphone
The iPhone is a great device with infinite possibilities beyond just making calls. This article will provide you with some handy tips that you can use to get even more out of your iPhone. If your iPhone is wet, consider using rice. No matter how much care you take, your phone may slip into water, or even get rained on. Wipe off your iPhone and then place it into a rice-filled bag. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours. To disable your edge connection or 3G GRPS connection, press the setting button. Then tap general, network, and cellular data network. When you get to the field that asks for your APN username and password, put in a few words that will prevent your iPhone from giving providers the right values. Then restart your phone. Did you just drop your brand-new iPhone in the sink or a pond? Don't worry! Make sure you don't turn the phone on. Instead, lightly towel dry it as much as you can. Don't use a blow dryer. Then, put th...