Advice That Will Make Using An IPad Much Easier
Knowing some great iPad tips will be very useful when working with your new gadget. Searching the Internet for all of these tips can sometimes be a time consuming process, however, and time is not always on your side when you need to get something done. Keep reading for a few of the most useful iPad tips available.
Battery life is typically shorter when using heavier applications like movies and games. Adjust the brightness of your screen if you would like to extend the battery's life. You do not always need a very bright screen to use your iPad.
The latest operating system, iOS, allows you to use folders on your iPad. Just drag on app onto another one to create a folder. Doing this will create a new folder, and inside you will be able to access either app, and it will automatically be named by category. You can rename these folders.
Do you find the Wi-Fi notifications increasingly annoying? You're able to turn off this feature through the settings menu. Go to the tab for Wi-Fi and turn off the last option if you wish to not have any more notifications.
Is that app you just launched making too much noise? Here is how to mute volume quickly: Press and hold the volume button. Your sound will be turned off fast. The lock orientation can also be configured to mute your device.
There is an easier way to view the video or picture you have just taken besides the film icon in the bottom corner. Swipe with one finger toward the right and your picture or your video will be displayed. Simply wipe to the left in order to check out older pictures or videos.
If you don't have a lot of time, avoid using your iPhone charger in order to charge your iPad. The iPad has a totally different wattage than the iPhone (10 watts compared to 5 watts). Although you can charge your iPad with an iPhone charger, it generally takes longer. You need to always use your iPad charger to charge it.
If you fear someone might try to look at your device and read your data, it is possible to set a password so that all data will be deleted after a set number of incorrect attempts. If they don't get it right, the iPad is factory fresh again.
If you are a person that needs to have a manual with whatever you buy, you need to download the iPad's one should you need it. Instead of including a manual with their products, Apple prefers that you download one.
Open new pages with tabs in order to keep them open. If you are using Safari, you can access this feature by tapping on a link and holding your finger there for a couple seconds till a menu of options appears. This menu will give you the option of opening the URL with a new tab.
An excellent new technological gadget is the iPad, which can be lots of fun to use. When you educate yourself about it a little though, you can make the most of the experience. Now that you've gotten some tips on how to use popular iPad features, you'll have a much better experience. Try out some of these iPad tips.
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